


The goldsmiths are at your service!

Have an enquiry or an order to place?

Take a look at our webshop and instagram account, where you will find a selection of our handcrafted jewelry made with Fairtrade gold and silver.

Are you looking for an engagement ring, wedding rings, a gift, or perhaps a redesign of a family heirloom? We'll invest the necessary time to come up with ideas, make sketches and take photos of the process. Don't hesitate to contact us with your wishes!

We are looking forward to work with you. Take care.

Kind regards,




Guldsmedene sidder klar til at hjælpe dig!

Kom ind i vores butik, ring eller skriv hvis du har noget på hjerte.

Besøg evt. vores instagram konto, hvor du finder et udvalg af håndlavede smykker i Fairtrade guld og sølv.

Forlovelsesring, vielsesringe, gave eller redesign? Vi tager os god tid til at komme med idéer, tegne skitser og tage procesfotos.

Vi glæder os til at hjælpe dig.
Pas godt på dig selv og dine omgivelser.

Hilsen Goldfingers




Goldfingers — Klosterstræde 18 — 1157 Copenhagen K — Denmark — Tlf. +45 32 17 37 30  // +45 30823732 — 




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Tuesday to friday 11.30 to 17.30 — Saturday 11.30 to 15.00 — Sunday and Monday closed